Yoga Nidra is a profound yogic technique, rooted in ancient traditions, that is aimed at guiding us into a state of profound rest and rejuventation. It has played a pivotal role in my life, and I am eager to guide you through its restorative embrace.


Yoga is more than just physical postures, and a Yoga Teacher Training course can be the transformative journey you've been seeking. In this article, we'll explore the profound ways in which a YTT can go beyond the asanas, changing your life in ways you may not have imagined.


I love to work and be intentional, strategic, diligent and I do have a lot of practical advice to give, but a big part of my ‘work’ is vibrational. I believe in the law of attraction and that we can all deliberately create our life. In this post I am sharing my favorite manifestation technique.


Join the 7-Day Meditation Challenge with free daily morning meditations on my YouTube Chanel. We meet for a 15-minute guided meditation daily and explore different techniques from meditation for grounding, for letting go, mantra meditation and more guided morning meditations to support you in building a regular meditation routine.


Enjoy these "I Am" Morning Affirmations to raise your vibration and trust. Start your day right with this 15 minute positive affirmations meditation for a beautiful morning routine full of self-love and self-trust.


With this divine feminine energy flow we want to cultivate the qualities of softness, of nourishment, of fluidity and of grace. We are already so strong that despite only cultivating inner strength and rigidity, we want to connect with our intuition. We want to ignite that female energy, this goddess that we have within us.


This is my favorite recipe for beautiful summer days and evenings. Clean and homemade, easy to make, super fruity and refreshing, and with natural ingredients only!


I had almost forgotten what it is like to be out an about, enjoying the summer days freely and spontaneously and just go with the flow of the day. With the beautiful Kalaa bags I found the perfect companion for these days. All designs are made especially for an active and urban lifestyle, making space for your yoga mat in your everyday carry on.


There are so many reasons why one wants and should take a yoga teacher training. But often there are just as many questions that come along with the idea. In this blog post I am answering the most frequently asked questions I get via Instagram from my personal experience and perspective.


A mindful morning routine can change not only your whole day for the better, but it can influence your physical wellbeing and your mental health profoundly. It not only set the right tone for the day getting you ready for everything that’s coming your way, it also helps you raise your vibration and cultivate and manifest the qualities that you want to experience and live long term.


The Sacral Chakra is the seat of our emotions, our creativity, movement and pleasure. When its energy is balanced, we are able to engage easily with other people and opinions, we are creative and life-affirming, have healthy relationships and sexuality; we allow ourselves to go with the flow of life. Read and repeat these healing affirmations for a balanced Sacral Chakra.


Our first chakra, the root chakra is a fundamental energy center. When its energy is balanced, we experience feelings of security and stability, we feel safe and comfortable in our body. We feel grounded and more independent of uncertain external circumstances. With these positive affirmations we can heal and balance our root and feel more grounded and present.


Practicing yoga first thing in the morning is the best time to cultivate a regular practice and to clearly feel the effects of your routine on all aspects of your life. Setting the tone for the day, a morning practice will help you though the day and improve your overall well-being. Read why and how to make this happen for you. 


Seeking ‘flow’ in our yoga practice we often rather struggle through the poses, feeling like we lack the flexibility and strength to gracefully move from one pose to the other, unable to be present in the moment and enjoy the practice. Read about how to change this and see real progress. Practice video included!


Entering the humid and darker time of the year we want to look for warming, nourish and rich food. We get cozy, spend more time at home, take care of our health and prepare for the colder winter months. This is my favorite and easy to prepare vegan pumpkin curry recipe for you to try out at home.


I have been sharing my passion for yoga and loads of insights into my practices for quite a while now, but I never shared the full version. This is my personal story. How I started to practice yoga, how it became a vivid part of my life, and how I ended up taking a teacher training in India. I hope it might inspire you to follow your own path of passion, freedom and choice.


As yoga teachers we want to offer our students a safe, effective and healthy classes. Guiding them deep into the practice we want to create nourishing and transformative experiences. This is why I collected 50 of my favorite class themes, for you to spark your spark your creativity and keep it interesting for yourself and your students.  


Fresh juices contain all the vitamins and nutrients of fruits and vegetables and are an easy and delicous way to increase your intake of healthy foods. Especially in the cold months of the year we can resort to them to support our immune system. Here are three of my favorite immune-boosting juice recipes.


It is the nature of the mind to think; to analyze, remember and evaluate. Too often, however, we seem to have lost control over it, it has a life of its own. Over and over we go back in forth in our mind, tiring and exhausting ourselves. In this article I am sharing some valuable tools and approaches, that help us to achieve more clarity and peace of mind.


I was asked to compile a list of my favorite yoga books. These recommendations are particularly for those who are seriously interested in developing a solid yoga practice and an understanding of yoga philosophy. I love returning to them again and again and indulge in their teachings and wisdom.


Inspiring quotes are little treasures of wisdom, conveying the deepest and purest messages with such few words in a meaningful way. I sometimes stumble over one, and my whole day changes in that very second… Here are 20 of my favorite quotes from teachers and writers that I highly admire.


Seit meinen Reisen nach Indien liebe ich Dal Gerichte. Die Linsen sind glutenfrei und haben dabei einen hohen Proteingehalt und viele Ballaststoffe, außerdem Mineralstoffe und Vitamine. Sie haben also alles, um uns gut zu sättigen. Das einfache rote Linsen-Dal mit Kokosmilch schenkt wunderbare Wärme und Energie –  es ist für mich absolutes Comfort-Food, und dabei gesund!


This book is one of my absolute favorites. It relates specifically to certain topics that most people are concerned with: health, work, relationships, financial matters, etc. On the basis of examples of such situations, it points out typical beliefs that can hinder the manifestation of a desired reality. It elaborates practical techniques and tools to alter our beliefs and with them our reality!


The Sanskrit term Drishti actually means "seeing", "eye", "perspective". These terms already describe the meaning of the yogic Drishti quite well: It is about directing the gaze and thus the full concentration to a certain point. But Drishtis can do much more than just optimize the physical aspects of an asana. Here is how we can benefit from focusing our eyes in yoga and in daily life.


It comes with the territory to get sick in January. When sick, the body needs rest, for sure. I have also experienced, however, that laying around and not moving at all for long periods of time influences my wellbeing negatively . Here are my farvite gentle yoga poses that can be practiced during a cold.


We all know this feeling of restlessness, of feeling like we have to do something, be more productive, and generate more output. However, in the same context we are usually are also familiar with a feeling of being stuck and not getting things done. Maybe the reason is, that we don't really want to do what we set out to? How do we find out what we really want?


Banana bread It is one of my favorite things to bring to class or on travels, because it is very easy to make, super-fast, needs little ingredients and can be taken everywhere. Plus, it accommodates all my nutrition preferences: vegan, glutenfree, low in sugar (in fact, no added sugar at all!). Here is my recipe for a specially X-mas flavored version.


Being joyful and in a good mood is a choice! Maybe it is not always an easy one, but making our well-being a priority supports us in living an aware and positive life - thus we see oppporutinites and solutions rather than problems and move trough life with more ease. In this post I share a very simple and short techinque that I use to culitivate gratitude and elevate my vibration instantly.


I often get asked for reading recommendations when I share quotes of the books I read on my Instagram and I myself have found great tips this way. So, I thought I will share some of my very favorite reads in the fields of spirituality, self-development, yoga and other philosophies here on the blog.



I always try to live as naturally as possible. I eat as purely as daily life allows and I try to be sustainable in the products I buy – for the health of my body, but obviously also in consideration of our environment. This is a great product, that I want to recommend personally.
