This is my favorite recipe for beautiful summer days and evenings. Clean and homemade, easy to make, super fruity and refreshing, and with natural ingredients only!

500 ml freshly pressed grapefruit juice
150 ml Freshly pressed lemon juice
100mg coconut flower sugar
3 tbsp agave syrup
Fresh ginger
Fresh thyme
Sparling water (or cold black tea for ice tea)

Mix the fresh juices with sugar, agave and add to a pot together with the peeled and sliced ginger. Boil briefly and then simmer for 15 minutes. Let it cool off and remove the ginger. This is the base syrup for your soda or ice tea. You can fill it in bottles and store in the fridge. When your syrup is chilled enough, rub thyme between the hands before adding it and keep some for garnish. Mix with sparling water or cold black tea to your taste and enjoy!